Jewish & Israeli Organizations Respond to the Ukrainian Crisis


March 2, 2022

OLAM partners and other Jewish and Israeli organizations are working to deliver funds, food, medical supplies, psychological support, and other much-needed supplies and services to the people of Ukraine, including those who have fled their homes, those who can't escape, and those who have chosen to remain.

Unprecedented Initiative
OLAM has joined forces with SID-Israel, JDC-GRID, and the Jewish Coalition for Disaster Relief (JCDR) to map out a list of our collective partner organizations involved in these efforts. We have collated the information on this map with the help of Israeli high-tech company, which approached us with the idea of creating a platform to showcase the work of these organizations. This unprecedented initiative will give most of the major Jewish and Israeli organizations that are involved a bird's eye view of Jewish and Israeli humanitarian efforts on the ground, and allow them to connect, share information, strategize, and form collaboration and partnerships where helpful.

In addition, OLAM commissioned Rosov Consulting to conduct a first-of-its-kind qualitative research study, aimed at drawing preliminary lessons about how the response has developed to date, and informing practice for both the current and future humanitarian crises. 25 people from Jewish and Israeli organizations on the ground in Ukraine were interviewed for the report, which focused on:

  • preparedness to respond to the Ukrainian crisis,
  • collaborations with other organizations,
  • motivations for responding,
  • challenges and achievements, and
  • lessons learned.

Read the report, and recommendations, here.

Following is a list of Jewish and Israeli organizations in Ukraine and the region, those fundraising to help the cause, and those working throughout Europe, North America, and Israel on behalf of refugees. (OLAM partners are noted with an asterisk.)Notes:

  • While we are doing our best to continually update information, the latest info can be found on the websites or social media channels of each organization.
  • In certain cases, information is available in Hebrew or Russian only.

Access Israel: Access Israel is finding focused solutions to evacuate people with disabilities and the elderly from Ukrainian war zones. These include accessible transfer for all types of disabilities to safer neighboring towns and cities.

Afya Foundation: The Afya Foundation is working in partnership with US-Ukraine-Foundation and others to support the Ukrainian medical community and refugees seeking aid. This includes sending wound care, surgical equipment, and biomedical equipment, thanks to partnerships with groups such the National Coalition Supporting Eurasian Jewry and Greater New York Hospital Association.

ASSAF: ASSAF is providing support to Ukrainian asylum seekers who are not entitled to legal status under the Law of Return

*Beit Issie Shapiro: Beit Issie Shapiro is offering assistance to families with disabilities, a population that is so many times overlooked and left behind, especially during times of crisis. They have reached out to Israeli municipalities and ministries that are aiding refugees and have created both documents (in English, Russian, and Ukrainian) and a video with tips for parents and caregivers.

B’nai B’rith International: B’nai B’rith are working in partnership with community agencies and their groups in Europe to help facilitate assistance for refugees who are arriving. They are reviewing the means and raising funds to help with pressing needs.

*Brit Olam and Tag International Development: Brit Olam and Tag International Development are working with partner organizations to support Jewish communities in western Ukraine, that are absorbing hundreds of war refugees. Donations, which are being matched, are for the purchase of: food, medicines, mattresses, generators, transport, and games for children. (Americans can make tax deductible donations via this link.) In addition, they are working with Engineers Without Borders-Israel to protect refugees at risk of becoming human trafficking victims. (See EWB-Israel, below)

*CADENA: With  the support of various international organizations, CADENA is working on sending a team to the Ukrainian borders, to support  people most in need with essential items such as temporary shelters, personal hygiene kits, coats, mattresses, water filters, solar lamps, and healing items for combat wounded. These supplies will be delivered to the most needy people, the general population, and the Jewish Community of Ukraine.

Chabad: Chabad houses and synagogues throughout Ukraine are working around the clock to provide assistance to Jewish refugees, as well as refugees who are in contact

Dream Doctors Project - Medical Clowning in Action: Dream Doctors went on an emergency to Chisinau, Moldova, to provide vital humanitarian relief to Ukrainian refugees there.

*Early Starters International: Early Starters International has joined forces with IsraAID (see below) to set up makeshift kindergartens in the Moldovan capital of Kishniev and on the Ukrainian-Moldovan border, for displaced children. The organizations are also working together to purchase medicines, toiletries, clothes, and other necessities that the families of these children were unable to take with them when they quickly left their homes shortly after the invasion began. You can donate here (page is in Hebrew).

*Engineers Without Borders - Israel: EWB-Israel has joined forces with *Brit Olam, Tag International, and other organizations to create the Wherever You Go project - aimed at protecting Ukrainian refugees, especially women, at risk of being exploited. The organizations understood the need for this after they learned thousands were falling prey to extortion, violence, rape, and human trafficking after crossing the border out of Ukraine. Wherever You Go: Learn more and donate.

Euro-Asian Jewish Congress: The Euro-Asian Jewish Congress has created a fund to help accommodate Jewish refugees from Ukraine who have fled to Moldova and other bordering regions. There is a need for beds, blankets, warm clothes, hot meals, and organize transport.

*Fonds Social Juif Unifié: France-based FSJU has set up a task force in France, to help refugees with finding shelter and filling out necessary paperwork. In addition, it is working together with OLAM partner World Jewish Relief and with the Jewish Confederation of Ukraine, to provide urgent humanitarian needs for those impacted by the invasion in Ukraine and the region.

HaMahanot HaOlim Youth Movement: Establishes educational centers for refugees and immigrants in Israel and abroad. Seeking Russian and Ukrainian-speaking volunteers with experience in education (especially informal education). Learn more: 03-5350157; Donate:

*HIAS: HIAS is leading a multi-pronged approach to humanitarian relief for those affected by this crisis: providing legal, financial, and mental health support to those who remain in Ukraine; bolstering the ability of neighboring countries to receive displaced Ukrainians - focusing on the needs of the most vulnerable individuals, including women, children, and LGBTQ refugees; providing financial assistance and humanitarian expertise to local Jewish communities in Poland, Moldova, and Romania; and connecting Ukrainian refugees with temporary housing via its partnership with

Humans for Humans: Humans for Humans has been serving as a focal point for aid and information. In addition, a team is bringing humanitarian equipment to the Ukrainian border, which will be distributed to whoever is in need.

*Innovation: Africa: A team of electrical engineers from Innovation: Africa modified the Energy Box to provide emergency support to United Hatzalah and to aid workers assisting Ukrainian refugees along the border. These Energy Boxes act as portable electrical supplies, powering essential medical devices and lights in the field.

*IsraAID: IsraAID has sent an emergency mission to Moldova and Romania, to provide humanitarian assistance to Ukrainian refugees. Among other things, this includes working with Early Starters International (see above) to set up makeshift kindergartens and safe spaces for mothers and children in Moldova, and in Romania, providing technical support for large-scale logistics operations supporting supply chains of essential items to southern Ukraine.

*Israel Trauma Coalition: ITC, which has been conducting training programs in Ukraine since 2014, is sharing psychological tools and trauma-focused intervention skills with the Government of Ukraine and local caregivers who are working with refugees in and around Ukraine. They have been doing this via webinars, hotlines, and on-the-ground training - as part of delegations that have traveled to the region with the JDC, World Zionist Organization, and the Jewish Agency for Israel. In addition, ITC teams are providing training and support to those working with Ukrainian refugees in Israel.

*JDC: JDC is on the front lines in Ukraine, delivering urgent, lifesaving care to Jewish seniors and families.  These include activating hotlines, emergency homecare,  food, medicine, and securing safe facilities for Jews fleeing their homes. The emergency number for Ukrainian Jews: +380947111104. JDC is also supporting the temporary field hospital established by Israel's Sheba hospital, together with the ministries of health and foreign affairs - by providing telemedicine technology. In addition, JDC is working in collaboration with Israeli volunteer organization NATAN to send medical professionals to assist in relief efforts (see below), including managing a health clinic on the Polish-Ukrainian border.

*JDC Entwine: JDC Entwine is building a volunteering system to match up volunteers with the needs on the ground in countries neighboring Ukraine. Currently, they are looking for fluent Russian/Ukrainian speakers with a background in social work, mental health support, or informal education for children and youth.

*JIAS Toronto: JIAS, the only Jewish agency in Canada solely dedicated to the settlement of immigrants and refugees, is working to support and integrate Ukrainian Jews and others displaced by the Russian invasion who arrive in Canada. This includes providing information through overseas partners, connecting refugees with people who can help them with Canadian visa applications, and providing settlement support to those arriving in Canada. Contact:; WhatsApp: +1-437-232-5981; Telegram:

Joseph Project: A team from the Joseph Project is on the border in Poland, providing ad hoc consulting, and meeting acquisition and transport needs.

Lema'anam - Physicians for Holocaust Survivors: A delegation of Lena'anam is in Moldova, where they are working with the assistance and logistical support of Ichilov Hospital, to provide immediate medical response to the refugees. The delegation includes about 40 medical staff, and they have brought with them medical equipment, medicines, humanitarian aid (blankets, clothes, food), and more. The delegation is coordinated with senior Moldovan government officials and various foreign and government officials, and includes a team consisting of Ukrainian-speaking doctors and nurses from various disciplines.

*MASHAV: The State of Israel, through MASHAV-Israel's Agency for International Development Cooperation and the Ministry of Health, are preparing to assist Ukraine through the establishment of a field hospital, launching generators for operation, launching water purification systems, and water supply kits. In addition, humanitarian needs, such as medicines, winter tents, blankets, and coats have been delivered to both Ukraine and the surrounding region.

NATAL - Israel Trauma and Resiliency Center: NATAL is offering professional training in matters of mental health first aid, to help those working in the field in Ukraine. Mental health professionals who want to volunteer can contact Hila, Director of Community and Resilience -

*NATAN Worldwide Disaster Relief: NATAN is seeking volunteers, doctors, nurses, paramedics, and social workers to join relief delegations in Poland, along the Ukrainian border (as well as donations to fund these delegations). If you would like to join a delegation, please fill out our volunteer candidate form. Please be sure to attach your CV to the form.

Project Kesher: Project Kesher is meeting the needs of women and girls in Ukraine as they face the current crisis, including those who need to relocate. The funds will go toward needs such as transportation and accommodations for those who are fleeing cities under attack. While future needs are hard to determine, Project Kesher is in daily touch with its leadership in Ukraine, and will be with the women it serves, whether they flee or stay in their homes.

Sauveteurs Sans Frontières: SSR has local rescue teams in Ukraine and in Poland, to help thousands of Israelis stranded there.

*Shalom Corps: Shalom Corps is offering funding for the deployment of volunteers to emergency missions in Ukraine, as well as helping organizations recruit a broad range of volunteers. Its Community Platform will also offer organizations significant engagement tools for its volunteers, both prior to and after deployment. Organizations that want to be involved can contact: in North America - Daniel Tamir:, and elsewhere - Sharona Shir:

Shinua Hevrati (Social Delivery): Shinua Hevrati has sent a team to the Polish border to assist refugees with basic humanitarian needs.

UNICEF Israel: UNICEF is on the ground in Ukraine, helping the thousands of vulnerable children and families who urgently need support, including safe drinking water, hygiene kits, mattresses, blankets, and towels. It's also replacing PPE equipment that has been lost in explosions, and helping to set up counseling to support children who are experiencing trauma and who have lost loved ones

.United Hatzalah of Israel: United Hatzalah has sent an emergency humanitarian delegation to the Moldova-Ukraine border, to assist refugees fleeing Ukraine. These volunteers are providing both psychological support to refugees, as well as medical supplies, medicine, and food.

We Cannot Stand Silent Anymore: This grassroots group created to help Syrian refugees is now working on behalf of Ukrainian refugees, connecting donors and volunteers with Ukrainians in need of help, and organizations providing help. Click to join their WhatsApp group (Hebrew).

*World Jewish Relief: WJR is working with trusted partners in Ukraine, who are doing everything they can do to protect their communities in the face of the active conflict. WJR is raising funds in order to respond to the most urgent humanitarian needs as they arise, by providing food packages; clean, safe drinking water; temporary shelters; and medical and psychological support for those most affected by this crisis.

*World ORT: All ORT schools in Ukraine have closed, and the mobility of all Ukrainians is severely limited. World ORT is raising funds and working its partners to provide basic needs, transport, and trauma response - for its students, teachers, and families. These needs include food with a long shelf-life, water, shelter, matches and lighters, batteries and portable chargers, bio-toilets, LED torches, walkie-talkies, first aid kits, and essential medicines. Funds will also be used to reinforce the safety of ORT schools.

Zaka: Zaka volunteers are assisting in areas near the Ukrainian border that have become refugee camps, to which many Jewish refugees have fled. The teams are equipped with food and medicine for the displaced people. In addition, ZAKA Ukraine volunteers, backed by ZAKA rescue units in Israel, helped evacuate a Jewish family that were injured in a missile attack in Kyiv the first weekend of March.Note:

This list is being continually updated as information becomes available. If you’d like to be kept up-to-date on OLAM and its partners' activities, please subscribe here.
