As Covid-19 Rampages India, Life-Saving Efforts Continue


May 3, 2021

Even as life is beginning to feel normal again in some parts of the world, thanks in large part to vaccination programs, reports abound about climbing death tolls in India and other developing countries.

OLAM partners are working to minimize the impact of the pandemic in some of the most hard-hit areas in India, where people continue to suffer the deadly effects of Covid-19.

Below, learn about their humanitarian efforts and how you can help.

Note: This list will be continually updated as more information becomes available. If you’d like to be kept up-to-date, please subscribe here to receive our updates.

American Jewish World Service is sending emergency aid to help vulnerable communities in India by distributing masks, hand sanitizer, and other vital protective equipment, ensuring families have the food they need to survive quarantine and lockdowns, providing emergency mental health support to help people cope with trauma and loss, developing alternative livelihood opportunities for young people who lost jobs due to the pandemic, and more.

Brit Olam is raising funds for a humanitarian and medical operation in the south Indian state of Tamil Nadu, in collaboration with Magen David Adom (Israel’s national EMS organization) and Tag International Development. Funds collected so far have gone toward the purchase of protective equipment.

Gabriel Project Mumbai has been working in underserved villages in India since the pandemic hit to keep thousands from starving, as well as to prevent the spread of Covid-19 by disseminating information about health and safety, building handwashing stations in hospitals, distributing face masks and soap throughout villages, providing hand sanitizer to hospitals, and more.​

IsraAID  is providing urgent support to Indian hospitals and healthcare workers as the country faces an unprecedented and devastating wave of COVID-19 infections and deaths.

JDC is working to provide economic empowerment, health programs, and disaster response to vulnerable communities most heavily impacted by the pandemic.

Sundara is working with local organizations in India to distribute emergency food kits to families, distribute soap and face masks to hospitals, help those who can’t afford to travel to hospitals, create a bereavement fund for people who’ve lost family members, and more.

Tzedek is sending critical supplies to its already established networks across four badly affected states in India.

World Jewish Relief is working with international and local partners to provide essential medical and health services in India.

Watch OLAM’s webinar: The Jewish Response to the Covid Crisis in India, from May 20, 2021.

There are several reasons that countries such as India remain in such a dire state of emergency, while others are finally starting to see the light. Not the least of these reasons is inequitable access to life-saving vaccinations. Learn about the VaccinAid campaign that OLAM is championing, and how you can take action that will allow vulnerable populations across the globe gain access to a Covid-19 vaccine.
